Ahead of the Curve: A Banker's Podcast

Unveiling human trafficking: Perspectives, realities, and strategies

January 17, 2024 Abrigo Season 1 Episode 10

Human trafficking – a form of modern slavery – is one of the fastest-growing criminal activities in the world, exploiting over 45 million people and generating an estimated $150 billion in profits each year. While global in reach, human trafficking also affects individuals, communities, and economies across the United States.

Join Brad Jeffery, founder of MADE FREE, and Heather Bellino, CEO of Texas Advocacy Project, as we discuss human trafficking’s consequences and what financial institutions can do to help identify and prevent it.

About Texas Advocacy Project: Texas Advocacy Project’s mission is to end dating and domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking in Texas. TAP empowers survivors through free legal and social services and access to the justice system and advances prevention through public outreach and education. Our vision is that all Texans live free from abuse. In 2022, TAP provided legal services in 4,765 cases, serving 10,502 Texans. If you or someone you know needs help, call 800-374-HOPE or visit TexasAdvocacyProject.org. 

About MADE FREE: MADE FREE was designed to provide social reform, addressing the root cause of human trafficking and the need for sustainable, ethical jobs. To win the war on poverty, those who make fashion goods must make a livable wage. The MADE FREE model takes a holistic approach to sustainability, integrating ecological, social, and economic factors. Workers at MADE FREE create handcrafted pieces in a clean, team-based environment with a focus on quality over quality, giving consumers a chance to support sustainable change with their dollars.

Helpful links:

Blog: The Super Bowl and human trafficking: How financial institutions can help

Webinar: Human trafficking awareness: Detecting, reporting, and partnering

Whitepaper: Human trafficking red flags

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